Supporting Customers’ Efforts to Remain Productive and Save Jobs During COVID-19

Ann Arbor, Michigan – April 14, 2020 – Arotech’s Training and Simulation Division’s (ATSD) Realtime Technologies (RTI) expands customer support allowing customers to remain engaged and productive during the COVID-19 pandemic. RTI’s managers and engineers, many working remotely themselves, architected a pathway for its customers to use the RTI software suite while access to their high-powered laboratories is restricted. Using software dongles, RTI support customers gained remote access to a software suite allowing them to continue designing, developing, and analyzing current and future experiments.
“We have tens of experiments now waiting to be run, many still requiring the development of scenarios. RTI has let us continue this work by allowing us to pivot to the remote development environment enabling us to be ready to run participants much sooner than we would have been otherwise,” said. Donald Fisher, Professor Emeritus and former Department Head of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering at the University of Massachusetts Amherst. “I know I speak for the many researchers with whom I work when I say that we cannot thank RTI enough. You have brought some renewed energy to us, helped keep us safe, and allowed us to continue to do what we love.”
“The actions taken by the team at Realtime Technologies to provide our students remote access to our versions of the development software was exceptional, and single-handedly provided our students continued pathways to the successful completion of their research projects and degrees,” said Dr. David Hurwitz, Associate Professor and Eric H.I and Janice Hoffman Faculty Scholar in the School of Civil and Construction Engineering at Oregon State University. “Additionally, this may well help push back stop-work orders on several of our projects, which in turn will help continue to pay our graduate students.”
“Our goal was to provide our loyal customers with a way to keep them and their staff engaged and working,” said Heather Stoner, General Manager of Realtime Technologies. “The deployable software dongle, allowing access to the powerful RTI software suite from remote/home devices, achieved that goal. Once we reached out to our current support customers, they were not only interested but excited to be able to maintain productivity under these unprecedented conditions. The positive feedback validates our team’s efforts and reinforces the notion that we are in this fight together.”
Photos courtesy of D. Hurwitz