MILO simulated scenarios are optimized to create opportunities for officers to practice their judgment skills in real-life situations, with all the complexity, nuance, and emotional pressure these tricky situations bring. MILO systems are emotionally immersive simulators. Trainees and officers work through role-playing scenarios with branching decision trees that give them opportunities to exercise every facet of their training–from fine-tuning their presence, tone of voice, and de-escalation strategies to using force options, from less lethal solutions like Tasers or OC spray and batons, and, if necessary, sidearms.
Every HD scenario including both the standard library of more than 800 scenarios, as well as any custom-produced for your agency can be run in interactive low-light/flashlight conditions. Throughout every scenario, the instructor can make adjustments to hone and challenge every aspect of their student’s judgment, situational awareness, tactical skills, and community policing skills. Interactive feedback and debriefing occurs after every scenario, so that officers can process how situations can occur and how to best head off human error before a call escalates.