The Top Three Ways to Optimize Your Fire/EMS Training With Simulation
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What decisions will a first responder make behind the wheel when responding to a “baby not breathing” or “Mayday” call?…
Three Misconceptions Holding Back Community College EMT Training
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An increasing number of community colleges are using immersive driving simulators as part of their EMT training programs. FAAC lead…
Using Your EMS Simulation to Train Your Policy
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In a recent article in EMS World Barry Bachenheimer (EDD, FF/EMT) wrote about how the first 60 seconds of a…
Taking EMS Simulation Beyond Dummies and Manikins
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As Jennifer McCarthy (MAS, NRP, CHSE-A) noted in a recent post to EMS World, “Paramedicine is one of few health…
EMS Simulation and “Teaching with Your Hands Behind Your Back”
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In a recent post on EMS World, Rommie L. Duckworth, LP reminded EMT instructors that “telling isn’t teaching ……
Using Simulator Training Technology to Safely Develop Mastery
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Advances in simulator training technology have made it possible to overcome the roadblocks that regularly prevent adults from truly…