Discover the New LE-500 at IACP, Boston, MA, October 19-22
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The International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP) Annual Conference and Exposition is the premier event for law enforcement…

Economic Benefits of Police Driving Situational Awareness Training
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The post-pandemic period is making it increasingly clear that situational awareness training is more important than ever for law enforcement,…

Using Immersive Simulation in Vehicular Use-of-Force Training
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Last year vehicular use-of-force by law enforcement was again in the news after an Arkansas state trooper hit a…

Stress Inoculation, Use-of-Force Training, and “Deescalation Behind the Wheel”
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An increasing number of law enforcement agencies are engaging in increasingly lively discussions around use-of-force training. These are extremely…

The Physiology of Situational Awareness Training
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As a practical matter, use-of-force training and situational awareness training must go hand in hand. We regularly ask officers…

Situational Awareness Training: Fewer Pursuits—and Less Crime
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Although situational awareness training has gained a lot of momentum in recent years, there’s one area of law enforcement…