Enhancing Law Enforcement Training with New Observational Skill Builders
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In today’s ever-changing landscape, law enforcement officers face increasingly complex situations that demand sharp decision-making, tactical thinking, and critical problem-solving…

Skills, Capabilities, and Competencies: Why the Difference Matters in Law Enforcement Training
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Training is the foundation of effective law enforcement, but not all training programs are created equally. When agencies develop…

Norwegian Study Explores Decision-Making in MILO Critical Incident Simulations
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Immersive simulators have been a cornerstone of police training for over 30 years, sharpening decision-making and tactical skills under realistic,…

The Way To Better Training Isn’t Practice
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Quick, habitual responses are critical in high-pressure scenarios, and the need for automaticity underscores why repetition is often at…

Three Hidden Reasons Knowledge Doesn’t Always Transfer Between Officers
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Article Written by: Dr. Joy VerPlanck Knowledge is power, and in law enforcement agencies where people stick around, that power…

Bridging the Gap Between Range Training and Real-World Encounters
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A split-second decision with a weapon in hand can be a matter of life or death. The level of…