Modern Policing in American Schools
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Nowhere is the fishbowl of modern policing more intense than in our nation’s high schools. In many ways, it’s a…

From tragedy to training: Simulator purchased as part of Sgt. Sean Gannon facility puts officers into real-life scenarios to hone their skills
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The people on the screen were actors, but the scenarios played out in the basement of the Yarmouth Police Department…

New Britain police get high-tech lessons in driving, shooting
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NEW BRITAIN — Police Sgt. Thomas Gray adjusts the patrol car’s seat, straps on the seat belt, shifts into…

Defenders Train Against Unmanned Aircraft Systems
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The MILO Range Training Simulator used by Security Forces at 50+ Air Force bases has a unique Unmanned Aircraft System…

The Opioid Crisis Complicates Modern Policing
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Opioids are now the leading external cause of preventable death in the United States, according to the most recent report…

Cops shoot, or don’t, in simulation
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Armed with guns and Tasers, Teton County commissioners Natalia Macker and Greg Epstein were told to get ready to face…