Three Hidden Reasons Knowledge Doesn’t Always Transfer Between Officers
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Article Written by: Dr. Joy VerPlanck Knowledge is power, and in law enforcement agencies where people stick around, that power…
Beyond Shoot/No Shoot: The Evolution of Police Simulator Training
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Most police officers are familiar with classic simulation scenarios, such as a man standing at a door who quickly…
Put Into Practice
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MILO training simulator lets students and law enforcement officers practice decision-making skills. Students studying criminal justice, legal studies, social work,…
Reenvisioning Police Training: The Need for Creative Thinking and Instructional Design
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From Article: VerPlanck, Joy.“Reenvisioning Police Training: The Need for Creative Thinking and Instructional Design,” Police Chief Online, April 27, 2022.…
How Neuroscience Can Help Us Understand De-Escalation: From First-Responders to First-Line Managers
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De-escalation conjures images of law enforcement in life-threatening crises. The reality is, we all engage in a form of…