
Department of Defense
ARFF Driver Training Simulators

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Interested in FAAC simulation solutions?

Talk to one of our experts about using simulators in your training.
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Efficiently Training for Airport Firefighting and Aircraft Rescue

Department of Defense facilities are among the most complex environments for first responders. DoD firefighters and EMTs must be prepared for everything from conventional structural fires to industrial or chemical fires, aircraft fires, fuel depot accidents, natural disasters, and more. Safely and comprehensively training for that is challenging enough. But this challenge is further compounded by the nature of the DoD mission: at any time, enlisted members of the ARFF personnel might be deployed or rotated, and their replacements quickly brought up to speed. A firefighter who was trained on Eglin Air Force Base in the Florida Panhandle has a lot ot learn quickly when he’s transferred to Eielson Air Force Base in central Alaska. In the absence of efficient and comprehensive fire training simulators, it is simply impossible to be properly prepared.

In order to meet the real-world necessity for comprehensive, multi-disciplinary, multiple participant training, FAAC has created the “Continuum of Training.” This solution networks multiple simulators and other software and hardware tools, allowing for incremental “simple-to-complex” content-focused learning for airport firefighters.

All of FAAC’s emergency scenario simulators can integrate and communicate with each other, creating consistency throughout the scenario. This includes pump operations simulators, hose handling and fire suppression, vehicle driving of all vehicle types (e.g., fire apparatus, ambulance, ARFF vehicles, etc.), interactive EMS emergency response, and on-scene command and control. 

Together, they form a complete “Continuum” of fire training simulation solutions, where the virtual environment trains firefighters in all aspects of scene management skills without the added dangers that a real scene could subject them to.

Airport Driving Simulator Simlow

ARFF Fire-Fighting Simulators Driver Cab

FAAC’s full-size immersive ARFF Simulators are a complete training solution. They rely on real components and gauges to ensure that what trainees experience in the cab match what they’ll experience in an emergency, including communications and ARFF turret controls. Each simulator comes with a pre-installed library of interactive firefighting and rescue scenarios. These can be customized to your facility layout or specific operational needs.

The cab and scenarios are designed to provide a wide variety of driver operator training, including basic driving skills, route familiarization,radio communication, ,emergency response, fire suppression operations, etc. Because aqueous film forming foam (AFFF) is an essential tool during aviation accidents, scenarios include options to simulate either foam or water, allowing teams to train on proper foam use and handling without exposing them (or the surrounding environment) to foam’s hazardous chemical components.

But this simulator cab need not be used only for ARFF training. It can run a wide range of accurate vehicle models, including ARFF apparatus, pumper trucks, snow plows, ambulances, and airport ground support vehicles. These simulation-based driver training solutions have proven to reduce accidents and increase intersection analysis skills. Our broad selection of vehicles ensures that facilities can train a wide range of personnel in the most realistic scenarios possible.

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Airport Driving Simulator Dash

Vehicles include:

  • ARFF
  • EMS vehicles
  • Snow plows
  • Passenger transport
  • Maintenance vehicles/aircraft tugs
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Airport Driving Simulator Scenario

Simulator Training Benefit

  • Reduce runway incursions
  • Reduce time-on-runway
  • Safe training for reduced visibility, extreme weather, and night conditions
  • Conducting “clearing turns”
  • Multi-tasking training (vehicle operations while coping with complications, faults, jet noise, tower communication)
  • Training on snow clearing, de-icing and emergency response situations
  • Train on aqueous film forming foam (AFFF) use without expending foam (reducing costs, personnel hazards, and environmental impact)
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Airport Driver Training Scenario

ARFF Simulation-Based EVOC Driver Training

  • Networked incident scenarios
  • Turret controls
  • Safe operation of crash vehicles
  • Tactical deployment
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Pump Operator Training Fireman

Pump Operation and Fire Control and Hose Training

Pump Ops allows for disciplined, cost-efficient, and safe hands-on pump operation training in any weather with no risk of injuries or equipment damage. PumpOps fire training simulators don’t just put firefighters through the normal paces of flowing water or mixing and delivering foam. They also simulate any possible fault state or failure. PumpOps units can be built to exactly match your existing or preferred apparatus: top-mount or side-mount with the same physical size, panel layout, and gauges, switches, and other hardware.

Most importantly, PumpOps can be paired with immersive fire suppression and hose training accessories to allow for simultaneous single-scenario training of both pump operators and nozzle teams. The pump operator adjusts the flow and the nozzle team feels it through force-feedback actuators and sees it via VR goggles. Firefighters experience visibility issues, hose pressure variance, communication difficulties, equipment failures, and more.

These integrated aircraft fire simulators can emulate water or foam used at different concentrations, delivered through different spray settings or branch types. Pump Ops can likewise integrate with ARFF apparatus training simulators for a full-team training exercise.

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Streamlined Procurement

FAAC has an established track record in simulation-based training, continuously advancing and expanding our simulation hardware and software while increasing integration among our simulators. Owing to established vendor relationships, procurement of FAAC simulators can be streamlined via the Defense Logistics Agency Tailored Logistics Support Program, allowing us to provide unmatched procurement services. Often, it’s not a question of what to buy but how to buy it; we can help simplify your purchase, including TLS, GSA, and FedMall procurement services.

ARFF Simulation and Firefighting Training Customer-for-Life

We invest time in understanding your firefighters and needs, then work closely with your team to develop and deliver the appropriate training simulation solution. We can help you find the best way to integrate this custom solution into your firefighter, rescue, and command training procedures. Most importantly, we will support you in maintaining and evolving this solution as your challenges inevitably change over time.


(The appearance of U.S. Department of Defense visual information does not imply or constitute DoD endorsement.)

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Learn more about our ARFF Driving Simulator

Our ARFF driver trainer simulators are proved to reduce accidents and increase intersection analysis skills. A host of distinctive features work together to create a comprehensive virtual reality.

ARFF Training Simulator for DoD