MILO Range Simulator Accessories
MILO offers a broad range of tools and accessories for your MILO Range training simulator to expand your training options and enhance trainee experiences.

gunSHOT Box™
The gunSHOT Box can be paired with a MILO simulator to create gunshot sounds to instantly thrust a trainee into a state of hypervigilance and adrenaline. It is an electric gunfire simulation system that is remotely controlled to reproduce the sounds of gunshots on-demand. Real explosions with safe levels of sound/percussion with no cartridges, expendables, or speakers.

MILO offers the industry’s first authentic wireless haptic feedback distraction device to replicate the stress-related challenges and physiological changes that occur in the human body during high-intensity training. Designed to look and be worn like a standard police body camera, the MILO Range React! trainee distraction device can be activated by the instructor at any time during a MILO scenario-based training event. The device will strobe flash, vibrate, and activate a piercing 80-120db alarm to distract and stress the trainee so that they can problem solve and resolve the crisis situation with minimal force and danger to themselves or community members.
The device is intended to replicate many of the challenges facing law enforcement officers in today’s world, with flashing cell phone cameras, distracting video recording devices, yelling and interference from bystanders, and externally introduced stressors that can cause officers to make mistakes in judgment and reaction.
The MILO Range React! Trainee Distraction device provides real results and measurable performance improvements. Unlike cruel and outdated trainee electroshock belts and electronic pain penalty devices that may leave the trainee with a dangerous “shoot first” mentality that can lead to negative outcomes, the MILO Range React! option will provide trainees, instructors, and administrators with purposeful experiences and useful performance indicators by replicating the kind of distractions and stress-inducing events officers face on the streets in the real world of public safety.

Handguns and Pistols
MILO Range Simulators include lethal weapons options that provide trainees authentic weapons experiences in all scenarios with no permanent modification to the weapons.
Lethal weapons options include handguns and carbine options that are operated with either MILO dry-fire laser inserts for dry-fire (no-recoil) operation, or with MILO’s line of drop-in wireless recoil kits (WRK) for simulated shot recoil powered by CO2 or High-Pressure Air (HPA.).
Dry-fire lasers are fitted with different ring sets for each pistol caliber including .38, 9mm, .40, and .45 Auto.
WRK kits exist for dozens of widely used law enforcement and military weapons.
Each weapon can be assigned a unique laser ID to be associated with a particular trainee so that performance and participation can be tracked in the on-board statistics and management databases during MILO training sessions.

Carbines, Patrol Rifle and Long Guns
MILO Range Simulators support rifles, including shotguns and other long-barrel weapons systems, with both drop-in CO2 WRK recoil kits and dry-fire lasers. These options install in minutes and require no permanent modification to the weapon. Each weapon can be assigned a unique ID to be detected and individually identified during training sessions.

Dry-Fire Training Weapons
All MILO Range Use-of-Force products support almost every commonly used service weapon via included drop-in laser inserts or optional WRK kits, making the system ready to train right out of the box.
MILO Range Simulators support any double-action handgun that the agency provides, paired with a MILO Range dry-fire laser insert.
Other options include the“Red” Glock 17R, a special, inert training weapon with a re-setting trigger for dry-fire training made by Glock™ for use on MILO Range Training Systems, and SIRT™ brand dry-fire training pistols. All MILO systems work with Sirt training pistols, and many MILO models come with them included as part of the system.

Other Firearm Training Options
MILO also offers training-only weapons and WRK recoil simulation kits that quickly modify live service weapons into laser-based training weapons for use on the MILO Range simulator.
Please call for custom options—we also build and design new kits and lasers for different requirements.

Less-than-Lethal: Electronic Control Weapons (ECW)
The MILO Range CEW options replicate the same degree spread as real CEW cartridges. We offer complete non-live training facsimile models for the X26P, X2, TASER® 7, and 10 with removable cartridges and XDPM power modules.
Each CEW device used in the system is individually assigned and detected during scenario training. Scenarios adapt dynamically to logical outcomes based on proper use and deployment.

Return Fire Shoot-Back System Options
The MILO Range systems offer the next generation in simulator shoot-back and return fire technology. The MILO Digi-Fire Tracking Return-Fire Cannon allows instructor-controlled aiming and firing capabilities on an all-electric platform—no dangerous compressed air tanks)—that allows the gun and pan/tilt unit to operate for weeks on one charge. The 9″ widescreen fire-control computer can be plugged in or used for up to 3 hours without any AC power allowing for use in locations other than your simulator room, including outdoors. All components recharge in approximately 2 hours. Li & NiMH technologies eliminate battery memory effect and the smart chargers turn themselves off when complete.
Digital A/V technology provides the option to both view and record audio and video during the training session from the subject’s point of view. The video files can then be played back immediately, transferred to the main simulator, and projected down range during debriefing, or archived to a flash drive for later viewing at any computer or for training documentation. Live remote viewing of the training sessions from another location is also possible.
MILO Return Fire System fires a 1/2″ group at 25 feet. The 6mm plastic projectile far exceeds the accuracy of the current foam “paintballs” used by other vendors. This accuracy translates into safety—while safety glasses should always be used, you will hit exactly where the red dot is located.
The MILO Return Fire System uses no air, CO2, leaky hoses, o-rings, and requires no travel to a paintball shop for repairs. There is no need for D.O.T. tank inspections, and no need to chase down inaccurate foam balls.

MILO RANGE ANYWHERE- “Un-Tethered Instructor”
The MILO Range Anywhere is an exclusive wireless hand-held device that offers instructors the ability to get out from behind the desk and work more closely with their trainees out in the training area or on the live-fire range. This freedom allows a sharper eye on the training and provides a one-on-one experience with the student. The familiar Windows® user interface is available on both the handheld PDA and tablet PC, allowing complete session control and system set-up. The MILO Range Anywhere is a great option for large simulator training rooms and live-fire ranges.

LESS-LETHAL: Projectile Based Devices and Tools
There are many simulated less-lethal projectile options available including all models of Beanbag and Chemical projectile weapons. Each weapon can be assigned a unique ID to be identified separately from all other weapons during scenario training events.

LESS-LETHAL: Oleoresin Capsicum (OC) Spray/Mace
Every MILO Range training Simulator includes hand-held, laser-modified OC devices similar to the MK5 canister used by law enforcement agencies around the world. Additional models and adapters are also available, including push-button and trigger laser activation. MILO Range systems offer simulation OC devices for both thumb-and trigger-fired OC devices. Each OC device can be assigned a unique ID to be uniquely identified during training.

LESS-LETHAL: Baton and Impact Devices
Batons and other less-lethal impact devices can be used on any MILO simulator. When a trainee decides that baton is the appropriate less-lethal device during a given scenario situation, the software response is activated by an instructor hotkey or automated by the system if equipped with the optional MILO KinetiX™ device. Baton training on the MILO system is fully interactive and includes the same branching and reactions as laser-based weapons and other less-lethal training options.
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