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Incident Command and Control Simulation Training

Interested in FAAC simulation solutions?

Talk to one of our experts about using simulators in your training.
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Interested in FAAC simulation solutions?

Talk to one of our experts about using simulators in your training.
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How Can Communities Truly Prepare for Low-Frequency/High-Risk Incidents?

According to FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency), the “key element to successfully responding to and recovering from a major disaster is the overall preparedness of individual citizens, families, and the community.” Ideally, when an emergency occurs, organized teams throughout the community need to respond according to established plans. They’ll work together not just to stabilize the incident, but support the incident stabilization activities of firefighters, EMS, and other responders by taking up the myriad tasks the crop up in the wake of a disaster: establishing a physical or virtual emergency operations center (EOC), ensuring continuity of operations in government agencies and vital private sector businesses, handling crisis communications activities, and more.

But ICS-100 courses and NIMS (National Incident Management System) trainings only go so far. As important as knowing what to do, emergency responders, incident commanders, and community/business leaders need to know they are prepared to take effective action during an incident.

A Virtual Platform to Really Test your Emergency Preparedness and Incident Command System

It takes real experience to build real skills. The best preparation takes the form of a full-scale drill or exercise. Unfortunately, such large-scale hands-on exercises are time-consuming, expensive, and logistically challenging.

But in the absence of comprehensive training, incident commanders, responders, and other personnel involved in incident response are left with gaps in their command and emergency response competencies. Even more concerning, they have no way to find and fill these gaps. Instead, they remain “unknown unknowns” until disaster strikes.

FAAC’s inCommand simulation-based incident command and control training solution is designed to help organizations and communities find and fill the gaps in their training and preparedness. It is the ideal ICS training solution for emergency operation centers (EOCs), municipal crisis teams, first responders, and other safety and security professionals in the public or private sector who must be ready to participate in a coordinated response to complex incidents.

By creating a shared, customizable, instructor-led, interactive, and immersive simulation of a critical incident, inCommand ensures that the training completed within the emergency management training simulator translates into “real-world” incident management and emergency preparedness that suits your community—without the risks, costs, time, and scheduling challenges associated with large-scale preparedness exercises.

Incident Management Simulation Training and Support

Your FAAC simulator solutions include basic and advanced “train-the-trainer” courses. We team up with your company or agency personnel to help them lay the foundations of a simulation training program that meets your procedural needs and operational realities. Our trainer training includes both basic technical and maintenance (e.g., start-up and shutdown procedures, configuration and calibration, troubleshooting, etc.) as well as everything they need to know to design and run effective incident simulation training exercises.

Following delivery of your incident control/command training solution and completion of your training sessions, our customer support department and your dedicated account manager will continue to be available to offer ongoing assistance and support. As your policies, priorities, challenges, and incident action plans (IAP) evolve over time, so will your incident commander training solution.

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Incident Command System Simulation Scalability, and the Continuum of Training

FAAC’s inCommand all-hazards incident management simulation solution is inherently scalable. Each simulated incident scenario can address all the levels of strategic, tactical, and position-specific operational thinking that come into play during an incident. These include multi-agency/FEMA cooperation, inter-departmental coordination and communication, individual situational awareness, and all the “soft-skills” needed for each role at every level.

The system is likewise scalable in terms of class-size, scenario complexity, and organizational hierarchy/ICS structure. The simulator can support individual one-on-one training, classroom training, multi-user/multi-device training, and even large-scale immersive “theaters”. Each scenario includes distinct threads for every role and organizational level, from the EOC or municipal crisis teams to on-scene command and coordinators—even down to individual first responders.

Most importantly, inCommand incident simulations are all instructor-led and instructor controlled. They include advanced logging, debriefing, and scenario developmental tools. Any scenario can be made more intense and challenging (or eased off) at any time. Afterward, the integrated debriefing tools make it possible to mine each session for every teachable moment and opportunity for improvement. The inCommand incident management simulation system is one element of FAAC’s Continuum of Training, a complete set of training simulators for incident response teams, coordinators, on-scene command, and first responders. With Continuum of Training, any FAAC simulator can network and inter-operate with any other simulator. The emergency management team’s inCommand simulator can connect with your Fire departments PumpOps and fire apparatus driving simulators, which can likewise connect with police driving and EMT response simulators for a true multi-level, full-cycle, immersive training solution for multi-unit, multi-agency, and multijurisdictional incidents—in any weather, with no public disruption of services.

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ICS and Emergency Management Training Customer-for-Life

We don’t just sell simulators; we partner with law enforcement, fire departments, emergency operations centers, municipal crisis teams, and communities to develop and create their ideal custom training solution. We invest time in understanding your training needs upfront, then work closely with your team to develop and deliver the best training solution. We’ll help you find the best way to integrate this custom solution into your training procedures. Most importantly, we’ll support you in maintaining and evolving this solution as your challenges inevitably change over time.

Are you ready to advance your training programs? Contact us now to determine what’s best for your team.

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A Simulator Built for All-Hazards Preparation and Incident Response

FAAC’s InCommand simulator has been built, from the ground up, to create the most realistic, reproducible, and customizable training scenarios possible.

The inCommand simulator is a turnkey hardware/software incident control and command training solution. It arrives with a library of ready-to-run emergency management scenarios set in high-fidelity virtual environments. Included scenarios span public health crises, homeland security/domestic incidents, industrial accidents, natural disasters that require FEMA coordination, and more.

The inCommand suite is powered by XVR On-Scene, a programmable/customizable interactive 3D incident command and control simulation platform for tactical and procedural-level training. This system relies on Unity®-based high-resolution graphics, giving personnel the option of participating in the incident management simulation via desktop screens, large-screen display, or VR headsets.

While working together in inCommand, emergency response teams experience complex incidents as completely immersive real-time experiences. They take on their roles in the ICS organizational structure and are able to explore how their incident response plans perform under real stresses and changing conditions.

The inCommand simulator supports an unlimited number of unique scenarios set in either generic or custom/geo-specific locations. FAAC has developed specialized modules for critical infrastructure and other sites of special significance, including:

  • airports
  • railways
  • ships and shipyards
  • traffic tunnels
  • ports
  • offshore facilities
  • industrial sites
  • schools
  • wildlands and wildfire-prone environments

Emergency response trainers and personnel can also create custom scenarios using the authoring tools, drawing on the included database of +700 interactive objects, environments, and structures.

Any scenario—pre-built or custom authored—can be further complicated with various hazards, including inclement weather, reduced visibility, toxic fumes or vapors, crowd control issues, and other factors. Every scenario can be modified by the trainer as it runs (including joystick control of pedestrians, animals, onlookers, etc.).

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Find out more about Incident Command Simulator

Real-life training is an excellent way to develop competences, but is often time-consuming and expensive. inCommand is an incident management simulator that prepares safety and security professionals for incidents by letting them train in a realistic virtual environment, without the dangers, costs and time associated with traditional training.

Incident Command and Control Simulator