The FACETT software initially was developed as a tool to test the development of high-speed weapon simulations in support of FAAC’s effort to evaluate our cockpit algorithms and high-speed missile simulations provided for the F-15, F-16, F-35 and F/A-18 E/F. FACETT is compatible with our SimBuilder weapon simulation software product and our library of validated weapon simulations for training devices.
Applications for FACETT have gone beyond the evaluation of simulation and WEZ performance to be a revolutionary tool to evaluate weapon employment tactics in a controlled desktop environment with high fidelity simulation models combined with 3-D graphics, aircraft MFD and HUD WEZ displays, autonomous aircraft and an aircraft flight simulator model. Air combat tactical situations can be created to evaluate weapon performance, recorded for later analysis, replayed from TSPI data recorded from training or tactical systems, or networked into live system for real-time weapon employment assessments.